What is humic acid?
Plants need fertile and healthy soil to grow and bear fruit.
Today, due to the numerous cultivations on agricultural lands, the soil of these lands is exposed to damage.
One of the unfortunate events in this regard is the lack of sufficient humus in the soil. This makes plants unable to grow in a land lacking humus and organic matter, and even if they grow, their growth will not be suitable and acceptable. The lack of proper fruiting of the plant can cause heavy losses for gardeners and farmers.
The solution to this issue is to buy humic acid fertilizer and use it (principally and correctly).
But what is potassium humate and what are its benefits? What is humic acid?
Humic acid is an organic substance that is extracted from humus through specialized and advanced processes. In fact, from the decomposition of humus, three substances named humic acid, fulvic acid and humin are obtained, which are different from each other.
The production and extraction of this fertilizer is done by processing Leonardite, which is a dark colored mineral. In fact, Leonardite, which is the result of the accumulation of plant remains over millions of years, is transformed into humic acid during several processes and during various microbial, physical and chemical reactions.
In simple terms, this fertilizer is an organic substance that is obtained from the decomposition of the remains of living organisms over the years. This substance exists naturally in some parts of the life cycle and in the soil, ocean, sea and stream.
What is the reason for buying humic acid and using it?
Humic acid, humin and fulvic acid are three components of humus or plant matter. Humus is a very essential substance for regeneration and its absence causes the soil to be unhealthy and unable to meet the plant's needs. In general, soil contains 45% of minerals, 50% of water and air, and finally 5% of organic matter. Despite the small amount of organic matter compared to other soil compounds, these substances have a very important effect on the soil.
Humus comprises almost half of the organic matter in the soil. Among the characteristics and effects of hummus are things like:
Improvement of soil structure
Increasing water storage capacity
Creating a healthy environment for beneficial microorganisms.
As a result, this product, as a component of humus and an organic fertilizer, can have significant effects on plants.
What are the advantages of buying humic acid fertilizer and using it?
Buying this fertilizer and using it in a principled and appropriate way brings wide benefits. This high-quality fertilizer has 100% dissolution and a high guaranteed analysis percentage. Also, the pH of this high-quality fertilizer is between 8 and 11. Among the advantages of Abadis humic acid fertilizer, the following can be mentioned:
Strengthening soil fertility, repairing worn out soils, increasing intracellular metabolism, providing heat to plants and their roots, preventing plants from freezing in cold seasons, increasing sugar production in plants, increasing vitamin and protein production in plants, increasing the quality and quantity of products, preventing precipitation of useful minerals in the soil, increasing the amount Absorption of soil minerals by the plant, increasing the resistance of the plant to various stresses, increasing the activity of beneficial microorganisms, limiting the growth space of pathogenic microorganisms, reducing the incidence of various diseases in the plant, improving the rooting process of the plant, absorbing more water by the plant, increasing the resistance of the plant against drought, accelerating the process of photosynthesis by the plant. The effectiveness of other fertilizers, reducing the harmful effects of using chemical fertilizers, preventing soil erosion, along with all these things, it should be noted that by buying this fertilizer and using it, the need to use chemical fertilizers will be minimized.
Besides the many advantages of this product, we should pay attention to another great advantage of this product. The price of potassium humate fertilizer is very affordable considering its benefits. Considering all the benefits of using this fertilizer, a very reasonable price has been set for it. Types of humic acid fertilizer This product has different types, each of which is different from each other in terms of analysis percentage. Of course, it should be noted that a lower analysis percentage does not indicate a lower quality. The types of this product that are produced in Danesh Abadis Elixir Company are: Humic Acid Perk Form Perk is similar in appearance to iron shavings and has a very light weight. The powder form of this fertilizer has an analysis percentage of 70%. The water-soluble potassium of this type of fertilizer is 10%, its humic acid is 60%, and its potassium humate is 70%. Liquid humic acid in liquid form has an analysis percentage of 13%. The amount of water-soluble potassium in this form of fertilizer is 2%, humic acid is 11%, and potassium humate is 13%. Powdered humic acid is produced based on the market in a different analysis from 50 to 65%. The water-soluble potassium of this form is 10%, its humic acid is 50%, and its potassium humate is 60%. It should be mentioned that Abadis, as the first and only producer of this fertilizer in loose form in Iran, offers this amazing product in various volumes. Also, the liquid type and powder type of Abadis humic acid have world-class quality.
The types of humic acid fertilizer in terms of composition, this product has different types in terms of composition:
· Potassium Humate Fertilizer This fertilizer increases soil quality, increases crop production, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers in the long term and includes humic acid, fulvic acid, amino acid and minerals. ·
Sodium Humate Fertilizer This fertilizer contains humic acid, fulvic acid, amino acid and minerals, and its use increases the level of absorption of nutrients by the plant, improves