CALCISAN is a formulation capable of effectively solving problems related to high soil salinity.
Calcium and Magnesium replace Sodium in exchange colloids (humo-clay), promoting its leaching and therefore its removal from the rhizosphere.
CALCISAN, which contains “complexed” Calcium and Magnesium, has a new organic matrix through an innovative industrial process that makes it even more effective and persistent.
The Organic Substance is rich in peptides, polypeptides and free left-handed amino acids that are easily assimilated at the root level and are rapidly translocated via the xylem to the developing organs.
This allows for more robust and consistent fruit, greater shelf-life and resistance to handling.
6kg; 20kg; 1200kg
Organic nitrogen (N) 3%
Soluble organic nitrogen (N) 2.8% Organic
carbon (C) of biological origin 10%
Water-soluble calcium oxide (CaO) 10% Water-
soluble magnesium oxide (MgO) 2%